Sunday, December 30, 2012


Hello all-

I know it's been AGES since I've written a blog posting!! I've been busy with life- you know how that goes! New job, family stuff, moving, holidays, etc!

I've been dealing with some allergies lately and I've been following a couple people on Instagram that do the paleo diet.  The past few weeks, I've been looking into it.   A lot of people that follow this have not been taking any allergy meds at all.  That really perked my interest so I've been taking baby steps the past couple weeks to wean myself off of processed foods and etc.

Starting on Tuesday, I'm gunna commit to the Whole30 program.  This means no added sugars, grains, dairy, and legumes.  This is quite a challenge for someone that's accustomed to oatmeal, greek yogurt, black beans, etc.  :(  Basically, I will be eating what cavemen ate back then before agriculture started.
I'm curious as to how my body will react to this.  I've heard stories that the first two weeks are the hardest, but the end result is worth it.  Stay tuned!!!!

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