Monday, August 20, 2012

Apple Cider Vinegar

What are some of the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?


Apparently it's good for avoiding workout exhaustion as it has potassium and enzymes that help with fatigue from working out hard.  It also increases your metabolism so you're burning more fat.  There's a lot more that ACV can do for you.  BUT one thing that caught my eye is that it's supposed to also help with allergies! Those that are close to me know that I suffer from allergies.

It's worth a try! I just tried it with a TBSP (you can certainly taste it with 2!!) in my smoothie along with some honey & cinnamon to mask the acidic taste and I don't really taste it!  Will keep you posted about how ACV benefits me! May clear up my skin too! :-D Here's hoping!!

Here's a link to some of the benefits of ACV: Benefits of ACV

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