You know after giving it some thought and seeing all these motivational pictures! I like motivational pictures, they remind me of the disciplines that I gotta do to keep fit and healthy, but they sure don't get me off my lazy ass to workout. It's all discipline.
Some days I lack the motivation to workout or cook a healthy meal, but I just get up and do it. I force myself and that's from discipline. I grew up watching a mother incorporate working out as part of her normal routine and that has been ingrained in me. I cannot imagine living life without exercise because of growing up with that discipline.
Treat exercise as showering. Showering is part of your normal routine- make exercise a part of your normal routine. Start slow by 5-10 minutes and build it up!
Happy disciplining! :)
Control your mind over your physical. Bodywork control mind that needs to discipline well and needs to beat that knowledgeable. Mind is a winner over your bodywork.